about 2 years

Illegal Republic vs Constitutional Republic

The basis for any society is honesty, integrity, your word and sacred oath.

The Constitutional Republic...

The basis for any society is honesty, integrity, your word, your bond, and most of all, your sacred oath.

Politicians should not have the legal right to lie. Currently, politicians betray their oath to protect the constitution with impunity.

An oath to protect the constitution ought to mean something. The Brunson Supreme Court Case on Jan 6 is a watershed moment in the history of the USA vs. the Illegal Republic.

What happens to the country when corruption becomes the new constitution?

If every institution that constitutes the pillars of the United States of America had become a captured operation by organized crime, would it look any different from today?

The Illegal Republic ranges from the self-selected corrupt politicians in the highest offices to the local illegal alien cartel slave. The lawful citizen is the Illegal Republic's enemy number 1.

Citizens are targeted for crushing taxation without representation and are censored, oppressed, surveilled, and sabotaged.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, has been inverted on itself, and now an unelected oligarchy uses unprecedented omnipresent and omnipotent internet technology to transfer power and wealth to themselves. The Illegal Republic power elite self-organize in their onshore havens and offshore with globalist power proxies such as China.

The Military Industrial Complex has transmogrified into the Military Industrial Corruption Complex. It’s almost impossible to succeed in any field of life now without selling out, becoming compromised, or joining some overworld or underworld organized crime network.

Corruption is currency; universal institutional failure is required.

The lawful, patriotic, honest citizen, who places their family, country, and traditions first, is the enemy of the Illegal Republic and is punished with the acquisition by dispossession of oligarchical socialism.

Lawfully and democratically elected political leaders are displaced by the mass corruption complex, with its 1000+ automated and manual corruption processes.

Independent, national development and domestic capitalism is seen as dubious and treasonous against the Ilegal Republic. The Illegal Republic is run by the professional class of political commissars and technocrats in the multinational oligopolies embedded in China.

  • The 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech is now disinformation, hate speech, or content to be moderated. Having an opinion deserves the soft genocide of de-platforming.

  • The Second Amendment Right of Self-Protection is now domestic extremism and vanilla Isis. Entrapment and state-sponsored lawfare is the new norm.

  • The Fourth Amendment Right to Privacy is systematically inverted, “you have no privacy; get over it.” Mobile phones, permanent internet connections, big data, ad tech, and deep state abuses ensure full spectrum corruption.

  • Global business is a euphemism for treason, and insider trading and self-dealing are politics and business as usual.

What can be done?

The Supreme Court has the Brunson case on January 6 and can cut through this Gordian knot and make oaths to protect the Democratic Republic binding.

The answer to the Corrupt Illegal Republic is the re-establishment of the Lawful and Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Remember and honor your oath to the Lawful Republic of the United States of America. Repent and revoke your corruption to the Illegal Republic of USA Inc. Join the Constitutional Republic and state the oath of the legal immigrant.

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God

Write a letter to the Brunson Brothers and the Supreme Court.

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